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This guide addresses the problem of burglary of single-family houses. It begins by describing the problem and reviewing risk factors. It then identifies a series of questions to help you analyze your local problem. Finally, it reviews responses to the problem, and what is known about them from evaluative research and police practice.

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Knowing your odds: home burglary and the odds ratio. This paper analyzes the utility maximization of a burglar who anticipates the revenue generated by his action along with the associated costs.
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Mapping an opportunity surface of residential burglary.
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Preventing burglary. Preventing burglary is possible, but in Australia the prospects for major reductions are extreemly poor.
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The Dukeries gating project was initiated in response to the high level of domestic burglary within the area. A total of 47 gates were installed throughout the area. Employing local New Deal for Employment trainees substantially reduced the costs involved and local residents worked on the project as volunteer co-ordinators. This led to a 65% decline in burglary.
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Volgens de International Crime Victims Survey heeft Australië het hoogste niveau woninginbraken van 17 geïndustrialiseerde landen. Wat zijn hiervan de oorzaken? En: wat doet Australië om het tij te keren?

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White light reduces fears.
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The effects of improved street lighting on crime: a systematic review.
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The financial benefits of improved street lighting, based on crime reduction.
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