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Taipei - MRTS

The Mass Rapid Transit System of Taipei (MRTS) proves that the general trend of new metro systems gaining profit from the internationally accumulated knowledge on crime prevention techniques is not an absolute scientific law. After nine years of construction, the MRTS is still not operational. Already it has become the most expensive railway system in the world despite its lack of even the most fundamental crime prevention conditions.

The Executive Yuan, Taiwan's ruling cabinet, delegated the construction of the MRTS to the Taipei Municipal Government (TMG) in 1986, which in turn, created in 1987, the Department of Rapid Transit Systems (DORTS). The first construction is comprised of 88 kilometres of track consisting of four underground, one elevated, an one maintenance line. It will consist of 80 stations, 5 of which will be at the ground level and 23 which will be elevated. The second phase is still under discussion and will be comprised of a series of extensions totalling another 50 kilometres.

The first segment of the MRTS which will start operation is the elevated Mucha line. This line will consist of 24 kilometres of track and 23 stations. It was designed and built by the French Matra Group and utilises automatic, driverless trains on rubber tires. The trains of the Mucha line have started test running, but not without serious difficulties. The trains shake significantly and two train engines exploded during testing. To promote the use of the Mucha line, people are offered to test ride the trains for free, but the number of volunteers has been disappointing.

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  crime and insecurity   crime prevention measures

Source: López, M.J.J., Crime Prevention Guidelines for the Construction & Management of Metro Systems, Den Haag: RCM-advies 1996, pg. 39-40.

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