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Paris - RATP

Crime prevention measures
To cope with the contemporary problems of crime, misdemeanours, and nuisances, RATP has established a policy consisting of station renovation, reduction of pollution, social and humanitarian action, formal control, and crime prevention technologies. During the past two years, all metro stations have been renovated and brightened up. Pollution is reduced by the hiring of outside cleaning companies whose performance is constantly being evaluated by imposing satisfaction indicators. The battle against graffiti is given special attention. All trains and vulnerable station objects are covered in graffiti-resistant coating and 18,000 tags are removed each year (on metro and RER lines). A Social and Humanitarian Action Unit was established to reduce the need for homeless people to loiter and/or sleep in the metro. With the assistance of charitable associations, shelter is provided, a minimum of health care is given, and hot meals are distributed outside the underground precincts. Formal control is provided by security agents (the GPSR) and Railway Police. The agents are divided between 5 decentralised districts and 6 base camps. The agents' actions are managed by one centralised police and GPSR station; the PC 2000. This centre monitors the audio and video monitorings of the 600 CCTV cameras, 120 radio-located vehicles, 200 information & emergency terminals (call boxes), and the security radio network.

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  crime and insecurity   crime prevention measures

Source: López, M.J.J., Crime Prevention Guidelines for the Construction & Management of Metro Systems, Den Haag: RCM-advies 1996, pg. 19-20.

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